Starponte, the label
Starponte is a quality label delivered by AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation – the French national organisation for standardisation). AFNOR ensures the optimum standards for our eggs in terms of quality, biosecurity, food safety and traceability.
It’s not only a guarantee for the consumer, we also put in place a structure to help and accompany the small family farms which are required
to comply to strict guidelines, including different services: technical, veterinary, training, marketing
Adhering to the Starponte label goes beyond their own benefit though: it’s also a chance for the egg producers to actively participate in the development of Mauritius’ economy giving to Mauritians a taste of farm-fresh products.
And we’ll let you in on our secret: happy hens on a super wholesome diet. By this, we mean no animal product – only thyme and rosemary essential oils for a healthy gut, and clean, natural ingredients.
Our Starponte eggs are also dated with the laying date and ensure full traceability.